10 Highest Mojo American Leaders

10 Highest Mojo American Leaders

Here are my highest mojo Americans.  I excluded anyone who is still living.  Note that US Presidents are featured prominently.  This should not surprise you, as getting elected by the entire US population is no mean feat.
Many sources make lists. I have used them to build mine for you. Wikipedia is a source that does a good job of describing how a list is built. But I don't rely on it. Instead, I used garden of praise, thrillist, ranker, listovative, The Greates_Americans, and my own judgement as my sources. These are chosen to help you. Here 's my list for you:

  1. George Washington - Washington displayed manifest leadership qualities, from his military accomplishments to his political ones. There was little question that he would be elected our first president. He won a majority of electoral votes in every state. He is ranked near the top in almost every list.
  2. Abraham Lincoln - Some believe he was an even better leader than Washington. Often quoted, he was a very well-read, educated man who led us through the Civil War. Many hated him and expressed their feelings vociferously He took it and accomplished much, illustrating his leadership abilities..
  3. Thomas Jefferson - He was the third president, but he was also the author of the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Jefferson was a remarkably smart man with many accomplishments, He was quite the polymath.
  4. Ronald Reagan - Remember, this is a list of the Americans with the highest mojo. I am not making a political statement here. Reagan had the mojo to advance his agenda despite ferocious opposition. For this alone, he deserves to be on any mojo list.
  5. Benjamin Franklin - Anthor, diplomat, and famous polymath who was born too early to be president.
    Read his autobiography, ohe of my favorite books. You will get a true appreciation of the mojo this man had. Of course, he is immortalized on the $100 bill.
  6. Teddy Roosevelt - The only 20th century face on Mt. Rushmore. He possessed many of the rough and tough qualities that an American man is supposed to possess.
  7. Franklin D. Roosevelt - See Ronald Reagan. He got his agenda passed, despite vehement opposition. His mojo has been unquestioned after he won a fourth term despite failing health.

  8. Martin Luther King Jr. - The remaining three were not politicians, but unquestionably possessed mojo. Dr. King was an outstanding leader as well. His tactic of non-violent resistance, although controversial at the time, has proven to be very effective over the years.
  9. George S. Patton - This general was beloved by his troops and effective in his tactics. He was a decisive leader well known for aggressive,rapid advances.
  10. Neil Armstrong - The first man on the moon. This story tells why he was selected for this role and says a lot about mojo. The lunar lander was descending under computer control to the surface of the moon. Armstrong was the pilot in charge. Looking out the window, he saw that the lander was going to land on a large boulder, killing both occupants. He took manual control of the craft and steered it toward a safe landing. The rest is history.


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