How Motivation Can Increase Your Mojo.

Motivation - Internal or External

There is internal motivation and external motivation.  I know of variety, friends, and rivals in external motivators.
Types of Motivation
Motivation is a big part of mojo, maybe the most important part.  I like to consider two types of motivation,


  • Internal
  • External
Both internal and external motivation can affect your mojo. Internal motivation comes from you alone. You might have it from birth or you might develop it. It is your drive, your impetus, your commitment. Everyone has a different amount of internal motivation for any given subject. One’s true internal motivation depends on being interested and excited about a given subject. In other words, unless you have a good fit with a subject, it will be difficult to gauge.your true internal motivation for that subject.

Recommended External Motivators

  • Variety
  • Friends
  • Rivals
External motivation comes from something beyond yourself.  Most often, I recommend variety, friends,and rivals. More about these in another post. Just as an example, for a runner, friends might mean having a workout partner and telling them when you are going to workout. Variety might mean doing different workouts to keep them interesting. Rivals might mean thinking about people you will be running against who might have even less mojo than you have.

These are only examples. There are other ways to get external motivation. Any type of motivation can be a boost to your mojo.


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