10 Best Experience Blogs

What Is Experience?

Are you too old or just experienced? Do you need more experience? I have asserted that experience is a big part of mojo, but when is enough, enough?  When are you just too old?  The best way to answer these questions is to consider age and experience as separate things.  It is possible for a very young person to have a lot of experience as well as for an old person to have almost none.  In other words, your age doesn't tell you how much experience you have. You can never have too much experience, but it is better to get it as early as possible.  If your biological age is advanced, but you feel good and have taken care of yourself, then more experience can help you.  Also, do not make the mistake of believing that a young person cannot have much experience.  That person might have started at an even younger age and have more experience than you.

Why does experience help you?

  1. You have seen it before.  You have an example or an existence proof.  Although you might not be actively participating in an activity, your experience can help you predict what will result or tell an actor what to do to be successful.
  2. You have felt it before. You have confidence.  You are more likely to act without hesitation because you expect a given result. You have peace of mind.
  3. You have experienced the aftermath before.  Whether or not you are a participant in the activity, you know what the result is likely to be and what it might do to you.  Obviously, you survived.  Others can too.  You have seen the good and the bad. You know what to expect.

Here are my top ten sites, best first, for you to visit.  They explain experience.  Enjoy! 

 1. GO Blog 
11 tips fpr getting hired without any experience. These are practical tips.

2. wikihow
If you have read wikihows before, you know that they are simple, straightforward and include a numbered step-by-step procedure for anything.  Simple tips for beginners with an emphasis on volunteering.

 3. blog after college
This is a blog for new grads with no relevant experience in the field of their degree.  This blog gives advice to anyone who is lost after college.

4. How to get experience without starting at the bottom.
This is a website, not a blog, but I have included it anyway because you should read it.

5.  HR blog
This blog asserts that there is no such thing as no experience.  Instead, from a job applicant's perspective, it is good to have potential.

The rest of this post will be about gaining experience in a specific area, because that is what is most commonly found.

6. The Experience Blog
This blog concentrates on experience with Microsoft's Windows 10 and its use in controls and mobility.  It is written by an experienced gentleman from Sweden.

7.  wikihow
Once again, I lean on wikihow for this one.  This blog covers getting a job in Journalism, step-by-step.  This starts out with the advice to get a degree, and so might be applicable to any profession that requires a college degree.

This blog suggests ways to re-purpose your experience in a different field, with emphasis on IT.

9. RogerCPAReview
 If your target field is accounting, this blog is for you.  It talks about fulfilling the experience requirement to move ahead in the field.

10. Writing Thoughts
This blog is about getting writing experience when you have none to start.  Discusses blogging, of all things.


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