10 Best LinkedIn Pulse Articles

Best LinkedIn Pulse Articles

LinkedIn Pulse articles are commonly known for the expertise and experience of their authors. These
people can teach you a lot simply from their writing. But there are so many articles. Where do you start? Well, I have looked at some articles for you and created my own list. It is hand-selected to increase your mojo. It will inspire you. You might use LinkedIn itself as a source. But I don't rely on it. Instead, I used these sources:
In compiling my list, I emphasized increasing your mojo. I excluded anything that was all about
resumes or jobs or had a political agenda. These aren’t the most popular articles, or the best articles, or the articles by the most gifted writers. They are chosen to help you. Here 's my list for you:
  1. How Successful People Stay Calm by Dr. Travis Bradberry. Dr. Bradberry has many things of value to say. He has been selected numerous times by LinkedIn. He focuses on staying calm, but his research shows that this is important for having success.
  2. Caffeine: The Silent Killer of Success by Dr. Travis Bradberry. Although this is the same author he boils his points down to a discussion of caffeine. If you can only do one thing to improve your mojo, this is it.
  3. 11 Simple Concepts to Become a Better Leader by Dave Kerpen. This is about leadership in particular, but it contains good advice for increasing your mojo.
  4. This Soccer Coach Taught Me to Never Settle for Economy Class — Always Aim for World Class byJohn Taft. Excellence matters. Read this and find out about inspiration.
  5. The One Thing Successful People Never Do by Bernard Marr. Gives many examples of failure that later led to success. The list of people alone is inspiring.
  6. The No. 1 Career Mistake Capable People Make by Greg McKeown. Identify your highest point of contribution. No matter whether it is on your resume or when you are touting your contributions, this advice is spot on. Talk about your highest point of contribution rather than cataloging everything you have done.
  7. Grace in a Cup of Tea: A Lesson in Leadership by Jacqueline Novogratz Anyone can teach you a lesson if you listen and watch with open ears and eyes. People with great mojo have a certain grace.
  8. The 7 Essential Practices of Leadership That Works by Doug Conant. His advice is a bit complicated, but it is a valuable prescription for success.
  9. Building Leadership: Unleash the Disrupters by Ravi Venkatesan. This is also about leadership in particular. Although leadership isn’t necessary to have mojo, it helps because leaders usually have motivation and get experience, two key components of mojo.
  10. Leadership Lessons from Saturdays as a Soccer Referee by Diego Rodriguez. Rodriguez had some interesting experiences that should help you increase your mojo if you take them to heart. He applied them to his work life. You can too.
Let this list be your introduction to LinkedIn Pulse articles, your mojo builder, or anything else.


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