How To Improve Support to Increase Mojo

How To Improve Support to Increase Mojo

Support is a key component of mojo, as I have said in an earlier post. You have a support system in place now, but can it be improved? There are two times when support is important:
  • Past
  • Present
Past support is your upbringing. It is how you were raised. You can’t change it, but if it isn’t the best, you can over come it. A person who wants to increase his mojo must consider support, both now and in the past. People have succeeded who have been in broken homes, dangerous living situations, and abusive environments, to name a few. There are countless examples of people to whom live wasn’t kind.
Because of my background, I tend to use a lot of sports examples. There are many examples of supporters in sports. For example:
  • Coaches
  • Managers
  • Captains
  • Teammates
  • Parents
  • Others 
Any of these can help a young person along his journey in sports. In other endeavours, people with other titles may contribute to a person’s support system. They may be called:
  • Mentors
  • Directors
  • Ministers,
  •  parents 
  • Friends
  • Others
Any of these people could have added support. It is too late to change what happened in the past, but every person must consider their current support system. 

Next, consider present support, including all of the titles listed above. How can you maximize it? Remember that support is a two-way street. Support requires the supported person to be an attractive candidate. You have to contribute something to the relationship or you won’t get anything back.

Make sure that each person in your support system has your best interest at heart Also, make sure that you pick people who know you or at least know how you operate. A total stranger is unlikely to spend the time helping you. Sometimes, the right kind of relationship is described as being “on the same wavelength.”

Does each person in your support system take a three-pronged approach of exercise, rest, and nutrition? If not, get another one. A supporter who will burn you out is a bad supporter. You need adequate rest and recovery time. Also, a trainer who does not consider the possibilities of nutrition is doing you no favors. This is particularly true in sports, where eating the right foods can make all the difference. Don’t fall into a starving ritual either. Eating disorders are common in sports especially among young women and others for whom low body weight is part of the game.There are good ways to lose weight and stay fit at the same time. People who are always hungry do not have with high mojo. 

It is important to have confidence in your support if it is good. If it isn’t, then it is important to make a change and improve it. This is especially true of a coach. A coach may be the most important member of your support team. Trusting what they have taught you is a sign of mojo. Lastly, it helps your mojo to be bold and unafraid to ask for help or criticism. These are signs of confidence and mojo.


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