Why Aren't You Willing To Act?

Why Aren't You Willing To Act?

I have identified 4 reasons that you might not be willing to act. Such an unwillingness will hurt your mojo. There are a few reasons that a person might not be willing to act. Here are my top four:

1. Laziness - Sometimes, the reason for not be willing to act is shear laziness. A person might think “it isn’t my job” or “someone else should be acting.” If you have mojo and a chance to help your group, you take it. It isn’t a matter of being doubtful or fearful that you won’t succeed. A lazy person just doesn’t even try. You can be lazy in your preparation, which will lead to an inability to perform in the clutch. You can be lazy at clutch time itself, despite good preparation, which will prevent you from acting when needed.A lazy person is always noticed, not only in clutch time but at other times when the person should be giving maximum effort.

2. Fear - Another possibility is that you fear acting in the clutch. It isn’t because of laziness or doubt of preparation. It is fear, either of success or failure. In this case the person is confident that they have been well prepared to perform, but they can’t do so because of fear. If the fear is of failure, despite the preparation, it is probably a fear of the consequences of failure. The expected consequences may be accurate or not, but the person is not willing to risk experiencing them. Whether or not they are warranted, something must be done to allay these fears to get future performance in the clutch. If the fear is fear of success, well that is another matter. In this case, a different set of consequences may be feared. However, the solution is the same, which is to allay these fears also. Another way to look at it is a person’s mojo is increased if he believes that the consequences of not being willing to act are worse than the consequences of acting. 

3. Doubt - This is not the same as fear because it isn’t about lacking confidence in your preparation. The confidence is there, but there is doubt despite that confidence. Having confidence is not the same as feeling that your efforts will be rewarded or that your efforts are appropriate and expected. These are areas where doubt can creep in. If you are “the man”, i.e., have recognized mojo, it is important to know that you are “the man” and be acknowledged through compensation and support that you are “the man”.

4. Lack of motivation - Sometimes a person can be a very hard worker ( i.e., not lazy), The same person might be well prepared, supported , and compensated as “the man”. However, in some cases, there just isn’t a motivation to perform in the clutch. A person can work tirelessly in the off season, be an experienced expert, be well supported, have no fear or doubt, and still not want to take responsibility for his group when his efforts are most needed.


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