Top 9 Ways To Gain Experience

Top 9 Ways To Gain Experience

Experience is an important factor in having mojo, as I have said here. In this post, I will give you my
list of ways to get your own experience. This list is intended to inspire you to increase your own mojo. Read it and think about it as you work to increase your own mojo.

Here are the best websites I have found.

Many sources make lists. I have used them to build mine for you. Wikipedia is a source that does a good job of describing how a list is built. But I don't rely on it. Instead, I used these websites and my own judgements.

Many of the advice columns I have seen advise you how to get experience in a particular field. Instead, I want to describe general ideas that are applicable in almost any field.
Here are the top 9 based on these sites and my own opinions: They aren't in any particular order.
1. Internships - You do the work, you get experience. Unfortunately, you are not compensated 
as a full time employee would be, if at all. However, it is worth it to get the exact experience that you want.
2. Volunteer - Of course you are even less likely to be well compensated than as an intern. However, it still might be worth your time to get some experience.
3. Coursework - Sometimes, coursework is directly relevant to the work you want to do. If so, some will count it as experience
4. Conferences - These are held in most fields. Attendance at the right ones can enhance any resume. It is a different kind of experience, bu it can be sold as experience nonetheless.
5. Brand yourself - I am not referring to starting your own business. Instead, I mean trumpeting the gifts you have. You can follow the alleged lead of the Union Of Concerned Scientists (two people with a fax machine) or just create a brand for your own skills, as you see them. Depending on your chutzpah, you can sell yourself as a brand to anyone interested in your skills. It isn’t lying if you can follow through.
6. Temp agencies - You get paid, although benefits and job security are not expected. Sometimes, these types of positions are taken by experienced people who like the freedom they get. In any event, if they are available, they offer a chance to get experience in your field.
7. Work freelance/entrepreneur - unlike branding yourself, this is a job or company that you start yourself. The upside is that you get very valuable and marketable experience. The downside is you are responsible for everything
8. Get a certificate - Similar to doing coursework, but a certificate is not always the conclusion of classroom activity. Having one can demonstrate to the world that you know what you are doing.
9. Join a club - There are many clubs available and you should be able to find one in your fields. Hardly any willing person is turned away. Don’t expect to be paid, but you can work in your chosen field and get experience.
There’s my list. I hope you can get some experience and help your mojo. Click to tweet.


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