
Showing posts from July, 2020

Pros And Cons Of Distributed Mojo

Pros And Cons Of Distributed Mojo In an earlier post, I described the components of mojo . What if you can’t find a single individual who has them all? Don’t despair. You can use more than one person, each of whom has some of the components of mojo. I call this distributed mojo. That way, your group will have more mojo collectively. However there are pros and cons. Pros Easier to find - If you can find only some of the components of mojo in each of a few people who participate in your group, that is much easier and more likely than finding all of them in a single individual. For example, if you have a specialist who is only responsible for acting in the clutch while another person has all of the other components of mojo, that is better than not having them. Of course, any component of mojo is rare, even without requiring a combination in a single person. What if the highest mojo individual you can find doesn’t have very good support? Or is lazy, despite his

Top 8 Reasons To Prize Mojo

Top 8 Reasons To Prize Mojo In earlier posts, I described what constitutes mojo and why it is rare , In this post, I will describe why a group might want to take advantage of a member’s mojo. I will also describe why this is important for success. Many sources make lists. Wikipedia is a source that does a good job of describing how a list is built. But I don't rely on it. Instead, I have only used my own experience to build mine for you. Here is my list of reasons to prize mojo. 1. Leadership - Other than the example that a high mojo person can set (which is described later), a strong leader can set a tone for a group, getting more out of them than they even know they can contribute. I am reminded of Jack Lambert, of the Pittsburgh Steelers. It was said that other team members were afraid to perform below their potential for fear that they would anger Mr. Lambert.. This tone can be during performances or after hours. Any group will be better citizens if t

Mojo - Nature Or Nurture?

Mojo  - Nature Or Nurture? Is it possible to improve your mojo? In this post, I will explore the extent to which you can or cannot develop more mojo Each component is different. Some are inherent and some are learned. Let’s start with listing the components as I see them. Motivation Experience Expertise Faith Support Luck Willingness to act. This earlier post described these seven components of mojo. This is my own model. There are others, but I like this one. Consider them one at a time. Motivation is either internal or external, as I have said here . External motivation can obviously be acquired and isn’t due to nature. It sometimes is converted to internal motivation. However, having a supply of internal motivation that comes without conversion is mostly from nature, not nurture. In other words, it is part of your makeup. Consequently, it is not productive to try to increase your inherent internal motivation, but rather to work on th

Top 9 Ways To Gain Experience

Top 9 Ways To Gain Experience Experience is an important factor in having mojo, as I have said here . In this post, I will give you my list of ways to get your own experience. This list is intended to inspire you to increase your own mojo. Read it and think about it as you work to increase your own mojo. Here are the best websites I have found. Many sources make lists. I have used them to build mine for you. Wikipedia is a source that does a good job of describing how a list is built. But I don't rely on it. Instead, I used these websites and my own judgements. Many of the advice columns I have seen advise you how to get experience in a particular field. Instead, I want to describe general ideas that are applicable in almost any field. Here are the

Why Is Mojo So Rare?

Why Is Mojo So Rare? In an earlier post , I explained the components of mojo as I see them. A really good possessor of mojo has all of the components. But it isn’t common to have every single one. Which are most important? Which are optional, if any? Why is having a combination so rare? This post will explore these ideas. Let’s start with a review of the components of mojo. They are, in order of importance: Motivation Experience Expertise Support Faith Luck Willingness to act Remember that motivation can be internal or external and that external motivation sometimes is converted to internal motivation. Being motivated for something is itself fairly rare. Lazy people need not apply. Also even more rare is internal motivation. That is why I urge you to rely upon external motivation if you need to and hope that it is eventually converted to internal motivation. Now it stands to reason that if having motivation is rare, then having it along with an