About me

I’m Dave and I‘ve lived in Austin, TX since 1999. I am an engineer who earned a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1976 and 1978 respectively, with a concentration in Optical Engineering. I got West Nile Virus from a kidney transplant in 2009. The immunosuppression and virus led to neuro-invasive disease. This eventually caused me to have profound weakness due to nerve damage. I have been rehabilitating since then from a wheelchair, at least temporarily. I had been a runner since 1969 and lettered in college, so being in a wheelchair has been quite a bummer. However, my anecdotal observation is that there is a direct correlation between earning a degree from the ‘Tute and having your “mojo workin.” I will be writing about mojo in this blog.

Areas of interest:
  • Singing
  • Running
  • Fitness
  • Disability


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