
Showing posts from August, 2020

How To React to COVID With Mojo

  How To React to COVID With Mojo Whether you are leading a country or just modelling for a group of friends, having mojo means your actions will be carefully watched. Actions will have consequences, too. As you deal with COVID , here is my advice. 1. Don’t ignore this virus. Many people with a lot of mojo think of themselves as invincible. They aren’t. The corona virus may not result in serious hazard for you, but because it is so contagious , it could for a lot of others. I use hazard to mean the resulting outcome. It is associated with a person. Risk, on the other hand, is associated with an activity. If you have a high hazard, that means a high probability of a bad outcome. It is not someone else’s problem.  Some people think that having mojo means ignoring reality and pressing forward. Not true. The trick is figuring out what is reality, especially in an environment in which it is advantageous for someone to conceal reality. I am thinking about the misleading statistic

Top 10 Countries Showing Mojo Toward COVID-19

 Top 10 Countries Showing Mojo Toward COVID-19 I will only be considering countries that have large populations and significant arrivals from outside the country. Island nations are discounted. If stopping the spread is correct, then how does one explain the following countries? All had early high case counts (and deaths per capita). Then, in a second wave of high case counts, they have low daily death rates per capita. This shows their mojo, but why? Are they becoming less susceptible? I consider only countries with high case counts >2,700 cases per million because that seems to have lowered their susceptibility. All of the numbers are from Wikipedia , and . I don’t agree with the political systems in some of these countries.  Singapore - over 9,900 confirmed cases per million but zero new deaths per million each day since July 28. They had a national lockdown from April 7th until June 1st. Their approach was consistent with thei

Mojo And Leadership

  Mojo And Leadership In an earlier post, I described the components of mojo . But what about its effect on your group’s leadership? Mojo and leadership are different. It is possible for a person to have mojo, but that alone doesn’t make him or her a leader.  How can someone have mojo and not be a good leader? Let’s paint a scenario, using the name Stan. Stan has mojo to spare. He is internally motivated , not lazy, works very hard, and sets a good example for everyone. Stan has a wealth of experience and his studies have given him expertise in the team’s area. Stan always defers to coaches and trainers as needed , so that their plan is his plan. Stan comes from a solid home that supported him in whatever he did. He will perform under pressure and at the crucial times. Stan has been lucky enough to succeed whenever he did act. Some of his teammates think Stan is one of the best performers on the team. However, Stan isn’t a leader. Stan is not a “people person”. Stan is ki

Top 6 Ways To Know You Need More Mojo

Top 6 Ways To Know You Need More Mojo In an earlier post , I described the components of mojo. If you or one of your teammates has more of these components, you have more mojo. However, what are the signs that your team does not have enough mojo? If you see any of these things happening, it is a sign that you need to increase your mojo. 1. Repeatedly failing at the very end of a contest. This is s sign that there is not a single individual whose job it is to perform in clutch time. This individual should be selected for an ability to perform as needed (i.e., have high mojo). This individual doesn’t necessarily have to be one of the best performers or be versatile. However, your group will rely on this individual to perform under pressure. Of course, that individual will not succeed every time. But, knowing that the responsibility is there’s, he or she will prepare to succeed and perform better than average because of the preparation. Everyone else will be spared the responsibilit