Top 10 Things That Need Mojo

 Top 10 Things That Need Mojo

We all have pet peeves. All of these things have flaws that may peeve you. I maintain that more mojo can ameliorate these situations.

  1. Professional Sports - In an earlier post, I described how politics has been added to sports and ranked what to watch whether you like or dislike the addition. The reason attendance is dropping is that professional sports leagues fail to understand their customer’s desires when they mix politics and sports. More mojo (experience, expertise, and support in particular) would result in better understanding that sports are businesses and must respond to customer desires. Customers want sports to be an escape from problems, not a chance to air grievances.

  2. Print media - In this case, it isn’t that customers do or don’t want politics mixed into their reading. It is that there is an easier and cheaper alternative to the print material, the internet. Pew Research says that 9 in 10 American adults use the internet. There is a lot of pressure against the physical media. More mojo means the experience and expertise to deal with this pressure. To date, many print sources have added online versions. However, online versions have a different problem, which I will describe in #8.

  3. Television - Like sports, television shows insult their viewers by mixing politics into their entertainment. If they had more mojo, they would understand that that is not what their viewers want. However, it is more insidious in that the shows write their scripts to include all kinds of social justice messages. This can be quite subtle. The result is a gradual acceptance of the point of view that is being promoted through repetition. More mojo means more understanding of the audience’s wishes.

  4. Universities - Most people feel the pain of large student loans. There is a disagreement over whether this is due to college’s greed or government subsidies to tuition. In either case, colleges need to understand their customers’ wishes for more cost effective instruction. With more expertise and experience (i.e., mojo) and a watchfulness, that will be evident.

  5. Congress - Here the pain point is unfulfilled promises. Politicians say a lot of things during the campaign that they never do. That is because once in office, the system beats them down and they may even stop caring about the electorate. We all need to elect people with more mojo so they will fulfil their promises.

  6. Labor Unions - These organizations extract dues and then give them to politicians instead of using then to help the workers, arguing that the politicians will help the workers. That doesn’t happen. To solve this problem, take out the middle man. The union leaders need more mojo to do so. See #5 for why the politicians don’t fulfil their promises.

  7. Cable Providers - These companies are renowned for having terrible customer service. This is a relic of a time when there were effective monopolies in cable provision. This is changing with the internet and other alternatives. Customer service will improve if cable companies have enough mojo to listen to their customers and understand their desires.

  8. Pay Websites - Have you experienced annoying pay firewalls? They make me turn to another site right away. The information will be available from other sites that make navigation easier. Ease of navigation is the first desire of web users. More mojo would help web designers realize this. Web users will only pay more if they get easier access in return.

  9. K-12 schools - Like universities, people want their money, in this case it is usually their taxes, to be a worthwhile investment. It is a bad return, especially if the teachers have an agenda that they don’t share. If you lack mojo, you will not understand what the taxpayer wants. Eventually your willingness to pay more taxes will decrease.

  10. Movies - Viewers want their entertainment dollars to be well spent. Politics are inserted into movies overtly and covertly. Eventually consumers will be turned off and stop contributing. As in every other case, mojo can help the screenwriters understand what their customers want.

There may be more. The most common idea is to know what your customers want. You may have other favorites. Apply what I have said to your own list.


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