Top 7 Things Improved By Mojo

 Top 7 Things Improved By Mojo

Here is my list of things that wouldn’t be the same today without a person who had the mojo to make them better, You can call it vision or smarts or persistence or anything you like. I think it is best described as mojo. These are in no particular order.
  1. NBA - TV viewership peaked from 1987 to 1998, when Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan were running the court. Jordan retired in 1998 and viewership fell dramatically the next year. It hasn’t come close to returning to its former heights, even more than two decades later. I maintain that Bird, Johnson, and Jordan had high mojo, leading to the higher viewership. They had 14 NBA Championships among them.
  2. Starting a business - Entrepreneurship is hard. Statistics show that older people are more successful entrepreneurs than younger people. I believe it is because they have more experience, which is a key contributor to mojo.
  3. Civil Rights - The civil rights movement took many years to really make progress in America. It wasn’t until Martin Luther King, Jr ‘s nonviolent protests that things improved. He was a man of great mojo and leadership. His efforts led to the Civil Rights Act and better treatment for black Americans. Although the situation wasn’t perfect after him, it was substantially better because of him.
  4. Aviation - There were many aviation pioneers who might have been the first in powered flight. There was Otto Lilienthal of Germany in gliders, There were much better financed people in America (e.g., Glenn Curtiss) and others. But nobody had the combination (I say mojo) that the Wright Brothers had. They had motivation, expertise, experience, and a willingness to act. This they did, becoming the first to achieve powered flight. They had to invent everything, basically from scratch. Even after they knew they could fly a glider, they still had to invent a new, never before achieved power source. These brothers had mojo.
  5. Physics - The field of Physics has changed many times. It passed through the periods of Galileo to Copernicus, Newton to Bohr and Heisenberg. But until Albert Einstein, it wasn’t top of mind to the public. Einstein changed all that, making his ideas talking points everywhere. Today, when we speak of a genius we call him an Einstein.
  6. Space travel - Nerds like me have always been interested in space travel. But everyone watched the moon landing. It wouldn’t have been such a success without Neil Armstrong. He had the mojo, first of all, to be selected by NASA to lead the mission. He also steered the lunar lander to a safe landing which the computer wasn’t going to do. This man had mojo and huge courage.
  7. Telephones - Invented by Alexander Graham Bell, they didn’t really change for years until they became portable. But the functionality really took off with the Apple iPhone. It was the brainchild of Steve Jobs. His vision and mojo led people to produce something that we all take advantage of today for an amazing plethora of uses. It is difficult to believer that today’s mobile phones are really derived from the old rotary dial phones. Now, when you use a smart phone, either Android or Apple, thing of Steve Jobs.


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