
Showing posts from November, 2020
  High Mojo But Will Not Act? Sometimes you have a high mojo person in your group but there is a sense that that person doesn’t have the will to act , especially in crucial situations. Maybe the group is not performing as you think it should. In sports, maybe you are losing games at the end in which you have been leading. The first thing you should do is to examine the statistics of performance and decide whether or not your group is actually underperforming in the clutch. If they aren’t, stop the suspicion about the high mojo person. There may only be statistical anomalies that may reverse themselves. The will to act may not be the issue. Try to win with the high mojo person. Be certain before you make a hasty decision. If your study shows that you are losing in the clutch, find out if the problem is caused by the high mojo person. There are two ways that the high mojo person might be failing. One is the obvious, personal failure of the individual to come through when needed
  Top 10 Non-Sports Activities Where Mojo Matters Military - This is the most obvious area. There are many leaders who got men to perform selflessly and miraculously. Patton, MacArthur, LeMay, Rommel, Lee, Grant, Themistocles, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and Washington are just a few. On the other hand, some generals didn’t have ”it”. In the Civil War, on the union side were McClellan, Bragg, Burnside, and Rosecrans just to name a few. Upon hearing about U.S. Grant’s drinking, Abraham Lincoln is reported to have said, “Well, I wish some of you would tell me the brand of whiskey that Grant drinks. I would like to send a barrel of it to my other generals.” Mojo can make a big difference in the wartime success of a leader. Sales - Most good sales people are empathetic and sensitive to their customers. Unfortunately, they also don’t spend a lot of time around colleagues. It would take a very skilled individual who can lead people, even remotely, and be in charge of them. Havin
  Mojo Heroes And Antiheroes There are both heroes and antiheroes among people with high mojo. There is no law that says a person with high mojo has to be a nice person. Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t. Let’s define anti-hero. Webster says an anti-hero is “a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities”. Examples of heroic qualities are strength, ability, achievement, courage, and nobility. The number of anti-heroes compared to heroes is greater in fiction than in real life. It is just more fun to write about or play the more complex characters typified by anti-heroes. It exploits the talents of the actors better. It also seems as if there are more anti-heroes today than in prior years. But all of the people I am about to mention had high mojo, whether hero or anti-hero. In an earlier post , I described the top 10 American people with high mojo. They were George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Ronald Reagan, Benjamin F

Top 10 Mojo Effects

Top 10 Mojo Effects I am going to concentrate on the effects of a high mojo individual or set of individuals on a group of people, rather than on individuals themselves who have mojo. If you acquire more mojo for your group, you may experience one or more of these effects. There are three types of effects that you will see. There are the direct effects of increasing mojo on the group. There are the indirect effects of the example set by adding the mojo. Lastly, there are the synergistic effects each group member experiences from having a teammate with mojo. When you add mojo to your group, you also add each of the component of mojo : motivation , expertise , experience , support , faith , willingness to act , and luck . Obviously there is a net increase in each of these in the group. But with them, you get an example of proper attitude, behavior, and preparation (see below for the effects these will have). Also, each member of your group will come to know that they have a rol