Top 10 Mojo Effects

Top 10 Mojo Effects

I am going to concentrate on the effects of a high mojo individual or set of individuals on a group of people, rather than on individuals themselves who have mojo. If you acquire more mojo for your group, you may experience one or more of these effects. There are three types of effects that you will see. There are the direct effects of increasing mojo on the group. There are the indirect effects of the example set by adding the mojo. Lastly, there are the synergistic effects each group member experiences from having a teammate with mojo.

When you add mojo to your group, you also add each of the component of mojo: motivation, expertise, experience, support, faith, willingness to act, and luck. Obviously there is a net increase in each of these in the group. But with them, you get an example of proper attitude, behavior, and preparation (see below for the effects these will have). Also, each member of your group will come to know that they have a role, maybe slightly less important than that of a person(s) with high mojo, but important for performance nonetheless. When each team member knows his role, he can relax and perform better. Distractions fade away. In crucial times, there isn’t as much competition for who is going to be the hero. It is known and expected.

What are the outward effects that you might see?
  1. People come on time - along with the example set by the high mojo individual, people are just naturally happier at their jobs. Consequently, they want to come on time.
  2. People are focused - knowing your role helps with this. There can even be a little competition fir having the most focus.
  3. More concentration on the task - The high mojo individual will set a good example. Having a well defined role for yourself and also knowing what is someone else’s role enhances concentration.
  4. Increase in group understanding - expertise and experience see to this. Also, it is easier to understand what the group is doing when clear roles are established.
  5. Fewer collapses at the end - the high mojo individual is willing to act in the clutch and others do not feel that responsibility. Of course, the high mojo individual will also have a better track record of performance in the clutch.
  6. Following the coach’s or manager's direction - a good example is helpful here, as is clarity of roles.
  7. Less impact of distractions - relaxation and knowing your role will contribute to this. Also, the high mojo individual can be expected to set a good example.
  8. Less group tension - same as number 7. Tension can impede performance.
  9. Fewer mistakes - same as number 7, along with the increase in experience and expertise.
  10. More winning - Having more mojo in your group will help you to win by improving the group’s performance.
A word about luck. Luck is unpredictable, but it is said to be the residue of good design. A high mojo person has to have a bit of luck to perform well. This partially explains why having mojo is seemingly magical.


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