Top 10 Sites About Luck

Many times, I have described the role luck plays in mojo. In an earlier post, I described all of the components of mojo including luck. Luck, although it is one of the least important component of mojo, does matter. Luck is a controversial topic. There are many different ideas about what luck means and what luck is. A good place to start is a reliable definition of luck. One that I like is Wikipedia’s.
  1. Wikipedia defines luck in this link. If you don’t like Wikipedia, I recommend a good dictionary. I like as an online source.
  2. Next, I would look for synonyms and antonyms, such as at It is useful to know what is and what isn’t due to luck. This will allow us to be on the same page. It is also useful to have alternative words to use in your expressions.
  3. Next are some philosophical point about luck. For example, the next page indicates that attitude matters, too. I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes, if you have a good attitude, luck will follow you.
  4. Next, this page goes into more about luck than just a definition, explaining what the author thinks it really is. What is luck? happens to have it exactly like I would have it?
  5. Of course, there are contrary opinions. This Scientific American blog explores the idea that luck is only a piece of the picture. True, there is mor to mojo and to success than just luck. Speaking only about mojo, luck is only a component and not the most critical component at that. However, it can be helpful. It might be useful to re-read my post entitled “Is it Better To Be Lucky Than Good?
  6. One place I like to look about any subject is Brainy Quotes. These quotes give you a more rounded view of what luck is. They are sometimes more pithy and less dry than pure definitions. I like to look at this site and get inspired to peruse other topics as well.
  7. In order to get some idea of what other people think about luck, it is instructive to consider that
    performing arts traditions warn against wishing someone good luck. The popular saying before a performance is “break a leg.” Sometimes, these traditions can be seen as gallows humor. Sometimes, they mean the opposite of what is said. But it can come in handy to know that people who depend on luck professionally have a certain attitude about it.
  8. Another occupation that depends on luck is gambling. Gamblers deal with luck in a unique way, using amulets and charms to coax good luck into their activities. They can be very superstitious. Athletes can also be superstitious. They have their own ways of wishing each other good luck, as described in
  9. wishing a person good luck before a competition. Lastly, there are messages that anyone can send wishing another person good luck. These are described in
  10. good luck messages.  I hope all of these sites can be helpful to you.


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