
Showing posts from September, 2020

How To Handle A Low Mojo Teammate

  How To Handle A Low Mojo Teammate There are two different models for handling teammates who are not performing optimally. I use these names:  Post office model Corporate model The first model assumes that everybody can learn to perform. All people are malleable and educable. They just need to be given opportunities to learn new skills. If someone isn’t experienced at a skill, that is something that they need to be given an opportunity to do. For example, if a person is unempathetic with customers, it is just a matter of not experiencing customer complaints. Once given an opportunity and perhaps some training, the employee will improve. This attitude leads to moving people around often so that they get a variety of experiences. This explains why you often experience surly Post Office employees at the service window.. The second model assumes people have natural talents, but not in every area. It is a manager’s job to figure out what these talents are. The manager should p

Top 10 Anti-SJW and Top 5 Pro-SJW Sports

  Top 10 Anti-SJW and Top 5 Pro-SJW Sports Social justice messages are everywhere in our society today.  They have gotten into the sports world in a big way.  It is not my contention that they shouldn’t be there or that they are wrong.  I maintain only that they are not consistent with mojo.  Consequently, I have made lists of sports in which you are least and most likely to be bombarded with social justice messages.  That doesn’t predict the future.  But I believe that most sports fans want a separation between sports and social justice. There has always been and will always be politics in sports.  However, some people confuse the presence of patriotism with politics.   There is a place for patriotism in sports (think the Olympic Games with their flag waving and anthems).  Patriotism helps to get the watchers excited and psych up the players.  A positive message is conveyed.  Social justice, on the other hand, is intended to make the watcher question the country and/or its policies. 

How To Detect Fake News With Mojo

  How To Detect Fake News With Mojo Dealing with fake news is a problem that can be alleviated if you are a high mojo person. To be sure, anyone can go to the internet and search for “ways to detect fake news”. The results are numerous and largely uniform. And, they are largely not helpful. See here or here . For example, the results might say: The Source Is Known to Be Shady Other Stories From This Source Are Incredulous Reputable News Sites Aren't Carrying It It Predicts a Future Disaster It Reveals a Cure for a Major Illness The Website Carries a Disclaime r The Story Is a Little Too Funny or Interesting A Poll is Featured The Website Has an Odd Domain Name The Story Makes You Angry What is wrong with this advice? First of all, it primarily attacks the source and not the message (numbers 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, and 9). This is sometimes referred to as an ad hominem attack by debaters., who consider it illegitimate. There are good and bad sources and good and bad messages, They

Top 10 Mojo Countries - COVID-19 - Scorecard

  Top 10 Mojo Countries - COVID-19 - Scorecard Two weeks ago, I named the countries that I thought would do well against COVID 19. In this post, I will tell you how they have done. I consddered only countries with high case counts, now >3,000 cases per million because that seems to have lowered their susceptibility. As before, all of the numbers are from Wikipedia , and .  Note that I son't agree with the political systems in some of these countries.  1. Singapore - over 10,000 confirmed cases per million but zero new deaths per million each day since July 28. They had a national lockdown from April 7th until June 1st. Their approach was consistent with their very strict culture. It might not work everywhere. As of September 3, they still have zero deaths. In fact, the last COVID death was July 15th. 2. Ireland - Biweekly deaths went down from 12 to 2. They have done very well. Nobody has died since the third week of August. 3. S