
Showing posts from December, 2019

10 Best New Year's Resolutions

Top Ten New Year's Resolutions A good resolution is a system, not a goal, as I have said in another post .  Pick from these any that you like. 1. Weight Loss. Goals - Lose x pounds, fit in a size 2 dress, wear a 34 inch waist pair of pants. System - Try intermittent fastin g. With intermittent fasting, you consume fewer calories and burn stored fat. Eventually, you will lose weight and inches and this is sustainable. It is better to make this kind of lifestyle change than to yo-yo diet. The objective of a good weight loss resolution is sustainable weight loss. 2. Money . Goals - Buy a lottery ticket every payday, Get rich quick . System - Make budgets . First, make a budget of where you spend money today. Then, make a budget of where you want to be spending your money. The first budget lets you see the situation you are in. No judgement. Be honest. You are the only person who needs to see it. The second budget is the objective for your spend

How a Willingness To Act Increase Your Mojo

Willingness To Act = Better Mojo Willingness to act is a significant part of having mojo , as I say in an earlier post .  It comes about in the heat of battle.  Somebody has to act in order to improve an outcome. It is often the end of a game or the critical time in a performance.  The person who is willing to act is often said to be a "clutch performer."   Other actors count on the clutch performer to perform well at this critical time.  Taking the initiative, the actor doesn't need to be asked to perform.  He wants to.  This is a controversial concept, but I believe it is real.  It is hard to find examples of people lacking a willingness to act because so many celebrities eventually do succeed or they are so gifted that their mojo is sufficient for them to perform wonderfully despite a lack of willingness to act.  There are a lot of easily cited examples from the sports world because there, the rules are well established, leading to easily recognized and ac

10 Joy To the World Versions For Mojo

My Top Ten "Joy To the World" Versions For Building Mojo This " Joy To the World" list will inspire your own mojo.  Many sources make lists, but not too many make them for a specific song.  Wikipedia is a source that does a good job of describing how a list is made. I have used Wikipedia .  Pulse Music , and my own evaluations to build my own list for you.  In compiling my list, I emphasized increasing your mojo.  I excluded anything that was too slow.  There are a lot of very good, traditional versions that I haven't included. There is no question that these performers had mojo to spare.    I used "Joy To the World" because it is one of the highest rated Christmas songs of all time and there are many covers of it.  It has stood the test of time.  Plus, I like and know it. You can also listen anytime you want to increase your mojo.  These versions are in order, with the Michael Bolton rendition being the best I have ever heard

How Support Can Help Your Mojo

Good Support Can Help Your Mojo I explained earlier that I believe support is essential to having your mojo workin ' .  There are two kinds of support, depending on when the support is received. Early support Current support Early support is something that you had to help you get started or to build a particular mindset.  Current support is the support you rely on today.  If you had early support, in addition to building a mindset, you can express it over a long period of time going forward. It may even carry over to today.  On the other hand, currents support can be beneficial to today's events. A person who has good support may exhibit other characteristics that lead to more mojo, such as motivation, willingness to act, faith, and even the accumulation of expertise and experience. The earlier model is simplified and does not show these possibilities.  This post will concentrate on the past and the present, i.e., early and current support. The relevant portion

10 Classical Pieces

My Top Ten Classical Music Pieces It took  a lot of mojo to build this classical music list.  It will inspire your own mojo.  Many sources make lists. I have used them to build my own list for you.  Wikipedia is a source that does a good job of describing how a list is built.  But I don't rely on it for the list itself.  Instead, I have used several other lists to build my own for you.  I used Change your life , Most Famous , Greatest Pieces , Everyone Should Know , Inspirationa l, Best Of Classical , 100 Greatest Classical Works , and my own music library on Google Music as my sources.  In compiling my list, I emphasized increasing you mojo.  I excluded anything that was too sad or morose.  No funeral marches, no requiems, no dirges.  Ironically,I like sad music myself.  It helps me focus and gets my emotions going which is hard to do because I am naturally calm.  There are a lot of very good and sad pieces that I haven';t included.  There are many, many very