
Showing posts from October, 2020

Mojo Defined

  Mojo Defined You may be wondering what I mean by “mojo”. Different dictionaries have different definitions. They range from the conservative, some would say “stodgy” Oxford English Dictionary to the contemporary, hip Urban Dictionary. I tend to be somewhere in between. For example, I would fall close to, which includes some of the internet influence in their definitions. Here are some variations: From the online OED, US version © 2020 NOUN mojo A magic charm, talisman, or spell. ‘someone must have their mojo working over at the record company’ 1.1 Influence, especially magic power. ‘the name has no mojo’ Note how the OED is very literal. They emphasize the magical quality of the original definition without referring to the way the word is currently used. A little bit better is this definition from Merriam Webster Online © 2020 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated . There is some mention of magic, but it isn’t quite how I mean mojo. mojo noun a magic spell,

Top 7 Things Improved By Mojo

  Top 7 Things Improved By Mojo Here is my list of things that wouldn’t be the same today without a person who had the mojo to make them better, You can call it vision or smarts or persistence or anything you like. I think it is best described as mojo . These are in no particular order. NBA - TV viewership peaked from 1987 to 1998, when Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan were running the court. Jordan retired in 1998 and viewership fell dramatically the next year. It hasn’t come close to returning to its former heights, even more than two decades later. I maintain that Bird, Johnson, and Jordan had high mojo, leading to the higher viewership. They had 14 NBA Championships among them. Starting a business - Entrepreneurship is hard. Statistics sho w that older people are more successful entrepreneurs than younger people. I believe it is because they have more experience , which is a key contributor to mojo. Civil Rights - The civil rights movement took many years to re

Coronavirus Mojo By State

  Coronavirus Mojo By State There are only seven US states that have never had a lockdown in response to the corona virus. There’s is the high mojo strategy, in my opinion. It would be easy to follow the conventional wisdom and lock your economy down whenever the case load gets too high. However, to buck the trend because you perceive a better strategy takes guts and mojo. The better strategy is to protect the high hazard people and deal with the risk for the low hazard people (see Sweden in recent days). The seven states are Iowa, Arkansas, Wyoming, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Utah. Their Governors, all Republicans, are Kim Reynolds s, Asa Hutchinson I, Mark Gordon , Pete Ricketts , Doug Burgum , Kristi Noem , and Gary Herbert respectively. One size does not fit all. In other words, a national lockdown strategy wouldt not have been correct for these states These Governors realized that early and showed tremendous mojo not to lock their economies. Nevertheless

Traits Most Often Confused With Mojo

Traits Most Often Confused With Mojo I am called MojoDave. Sometimes, I have been called the “miracle man”. Take one look at my bio . By all rights, I should not still be alive. But since I am, I write about mojo in the hope of helping you understand it. There is often confusion between various traits and mojo. For example, in an earlier post , I described mojo as having several components. Sometimes, one of these components might be confused with mojo itself. Other traits may also be confused with mojo. Let’s consider some of the most common components first. Motivation - Some think that motivation is everything as far as performance is concerned. Nevertheless, there are many who are highly motivated who lack the experience and/or expertise to succeed. In your own life, think about people who are called “workout warriors.” They may want to succeed in the worst way, but they just don’t know how Even though motivation is the most important component of mojo, in my opinion, it

Top 10 Things That Need Mojo

  Top 10 Things That Need Mojo W e all have pet peeves. All of these things have flaws that may peeve you. I maintain that more mojo can ameliorate these situations. Professional Sports - In an earlier post, I described how politics has been added to sports and ranked what to watch whether you like or dislike the addition. The reason attendance is dropping is that professional sports leagues fail to understand their customer’s desires when they mix politics and sports. More mojo (experience, expertise, and support in particular) would result in better understanding that sports are businesses and must respond to customer desires. Customers want sports to be an escape from problems, not a chance to air grievances. Print media - In this case, it isn’t that customers do or don’t want politics mixed into their reading. It is that there is an easier and cheaper alternative to the print material, the internet. Pew Research says that 9 in 10 American adults use the internet . There is